Zeek's Kitchens & Kitchens Zeek's Kitchens & Bath
Zeek's University

Bathrooms 101
Zeek's U Kitchen Ren 101 Cabinets 101 Countertops 101 Bathrooms 101 Moldings 101
Lesson #2 - Countertop Differences Prev Next
Laminate, solid surface and stone bathroom countertops are very similar to kitchen countertops except they are smaller. With granite, the material is also about 1/2 inch thinner. The bathroom sink is also smaller (even when using a kitchen sink base cabinet the sink you would use is a smaller bathroom size one). The biggest difference is that for a bathroom you can purchase a cultured marble countertop with an integrated sink in many different colors and sink styles that are not available for kitchens. Unlike kitchen tops, bathroom tops come in many standard sizes that are available much quicker and cheaper than comparable kitchen tops. In fact, you can find prices and purchase many marble and granite bathroom countertops right over the internet. Custom sizes, though, tend to be more than comparable kitchen tops. Marble tops run in the $100 - $300 range for starndard size and color and one sink, granite $300 to $400.